Sweetly, serenly in the soft glowing light.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I'm getting married!!! I'm marrying the most amazing guy ever :). He proposed on December 21st, while I was with my girls having a Christmas toast at Sano's (a very lovely restaurant-bar here in Ensenada), suddenly a bunch of guys singing and playing guitars came out of the bushes and then my guy appeared, singing as well. I really really wasn't expecting that, I wanted it so much but I didn't think it'd happen that night. I was very surprised and of course I said YES!

This is a shot from that day, in the morning I asked him to take a picture of my outfit for my blog as always hehehe but I've been so busy and excited that I didn't have the chance to post this before. 

And pictures of the big moment...

About the ring...

PERFECT RING! He got me a Vera Wang engagement ring, I love it soo much!!! Here's a closer look...

I love it sooo much!!! I can't wait to pick a wedding band to go with it! 

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