I know Christmas is still 3 months away but if Costco has already packed their aisles with all kinds of ho-ho ornaments, I can write my little wishlist to Mr. Santa Claus. So I'm thinking of starting this "Monthly wishlist" posts so I can easily remind myself of what I want to buy next :). And also, I can share it with you all! Ahhhh ♪ if I was a rich girl ♪ na na na na na ♪
I'll focus on 5 items I've been craving for! If anyone wants to be the lucky person that picks one as a gift to your friend here, well... who am I to try to stop you?

Number 4: Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, 10.1-inch in white

Number 3: Sperry Top-Cider Women's Cedar Riding Boots (I NEED these!!!)

Number 2: Kate Spade Gold Stripe Thermal Mug

If I end up with the coffee mug I'll consider myself lucky enough!!!
What are your cravings? what do you want so so bad right now that you can't wait anymore?!!?!