All that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Hello, hello! I'm back!

As you -my 3 blog readers- already know, I've been busy this year, the whole wedding thing and moving to another house has been crazy!

It's been a whole year since my last post :( I'm awful... and the truth is that I've had so many projects at home and I really want to share them all so I'm trying to give some life to this thing again hehe...

A couple of years ago I posted about color gold not being my cup of tea but that I was beginning to like it a lot so... I started adding touches of gold to my wardrobe mostly (I always start there...) and it kind of exploded from there so now it looks like a gold-hobbit has puked all over my house, my desk and my life, I just can't stop it!!!

So... this post is not really about a home project but rather an office one; as you already know, desks where I work (most of you work here too so.... you know what I'm talking about) are hideous! and for a long time I just tried to live with mine, just kept it clean and uncluttered, but I just got tired of it and I've looked at sooo many home-office pins for inspiration and I'm frustrated they get to have the nice clean white-on-white look with their pretty desks... I just did what I could with mine, here's the "final" (I bet I'm gonna change something in the near future haha) look:

Bear with me on the calligraphy haha I'm practicing on my phone to see what I can do... I'll get better I promise.

What's on it?

- A very pretty Lucite tray ♥ that I made following the instructions on this blog; got everything I needed (2 things :P) on Michaels.
- Nate Berkus Stapler (yaaay!)
- A very tiny Cactaceae in a huge Ikea plant potter, I'm still figuring this out...
- A pencil holder thingy that was black and I just spray painted it using Metallic Gold Rust-Oleum.
- SÄRSKILD Notepad from Ikea
- My lovely Tour Eiffel... I used this on my bridal shower and I'm happy I found a home for it. This tower also was a victim of my spray painting, it used to be pink and now it's shiny gold thanks to Rust-Oleum!
- A tissue garland I made using this tutorial.
- My ugly laptop trying to look pretty with a Lilly Pulitzer print as wallpaper.
- Keep Calm it'll be Payday Soon print, a gift from Betty (one of my bffs and bridesmaid).

I loved the results!!! I'm so happy with the transformation... I don't have a 'before' pic but I can take a picture of a random desk and post it haha it'd be the same...

Hugs and kisses... and looking forward to see some Frozentastic desk transformations btw hehe...

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