The motive changes like the wind, hard to control when it begins.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I just LOVE The Naked and Famous! I just had to say it and write about it! ever since Gossip Girl brought them to my life I just can't stop listening to their songs... I totally recommend them!

Anyway... what can I say? I've been kind of quiet the past couple of months, I guess I haven't found any fashion inspiration yet... I guess right now for me it's going to be everything about hair since I just cut mine, it's shoulder length now and... I HATE IT! I hate short hair, it's just soo not my style, but I needed the cut in order for my hair to grow healthier, fuller and hopefully, more moisturized.

My ideal of GREAT hair:

If I could just have that hair!!! oh my God!!! I'd be super happy!

So... here's my "It's-time-to-have-a-super-nice-hair-plan"

  1. Brand new cut, as I just said I got.
  2. I'm planning on buying these vitamins just to see if they work, I mean, they can't do any harm.
  3. I'm going to buy a local mexican shampoo that claims to grow your hair faster (if it works, I'll keep you posted).
  4. NO Straightener (I just used it once the day after I cut it and it was because I was invited to a wedding and my hair was a huge mess... posting the pic of the day and length below).
  5. NO heavy hair products.
  6. Lots of water.
  7. Produce and leafy greens.
I'm hoping I'll have the nicest hair ever a year from now... the count starts today!

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